Astonishing Facts about What’s Lurking on Your Dirty Furniture


You may spend hours every week scrubbing the kitchen floor, disinfecting the bathroom, cleaning the carpets and changing all the covers and curtains in your house in an attempt to make your house healthier and cleaner. While all your attention is consistently on the more obvious areas of the house, have you ever wondered what about the furniture and its upholstery? How clean is your sofa, bed or other soft padded furniture in the house? You might use them every day and your family may be spending significant amount of time using them but chances are you clean them only once in a while or even less!


Here are some really shocking revelations about what could be lurking on your unclean couch!


Dust Mites and Allergies

 Contrary to popular belief, carpets and rugs are not just the only place allergens usually hide. Dust and the omnipresent dust mite are also present in bountiful populations in sofas, couches, cushions, beanbags, curtains and beds. Dust mites are the most common triggers for allergies and asthma attacks. The dead carcass and faeces of the mites, if inhaled, can also cause considerable irritation to the airways. If this sounds unpleasant to you, it’s advisable to clean your upholstery in Carlsbad regularly.


Harmful Mould

The presence of mould in houses that are present in warm and humid climates is quite common. You can spot it on tiles of kitchen and bathroom and even in soft furnishing and upholstery. Since the absorbent nature of soft upholstery fabric, it tends to retain moisture, which gives way to mould formation. Mold spores also contribute towards causing allergy and irritation in the airways.


Bacteria and Viruses


If you or your family likes spending a lot of time slouching on the couch, bacteria and viruses do too. Families with kids and pets are at a higher risk, since it is quite easy for these harmful microorganisms to be shifted to couches or sofas, while they lay dormant until picked up by an appropriate host. Cleaning the upholstery with disinfectants would help you get rid of the germs.


Dangerous Particulates and Chemicals

Aerosols, home cleaners, dust, paint and plastics can all leave their residue or particulates in the fabric of your soft furnishings or couch. Home cleaners are often full of chemicals that can irritate sensitive individuals and may not be great for health. A professional upholstery cleaner uses safe techniques and environmentally friendly products to deep clean and remove all harmful particles from the furnishings.


After getting to know about all the harmful things that could possibly be lurking on your couch you might be feeling grossed out. But, professional cleaning services can help you get rid of all that by thoroughly cleaning every nook and corner of your house. Are you looking to hire professional cleaners for upholstery in Vista? Contact Seaside Services today! We offer a wide range of cleaning services to provide you a healthy and clean living set-up.